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General Description
(German Boxer, Deutscher Boxer) The Boxer has a powerful, stocky body with compact muscles and square-shaped proportions. They have round, brawny necks that are well-muscled and do not possess any dewlap. Their front limbs are straight and parallel and their tails are carried high. The tails of this breed are usually docked, and the heads of this breed are proportioned to the size of the dog’s body. Their lower jaw curves upward and extends beneath their upper jaw, and neither teeth nor tongue are visible when the mouth is closed. Their large noses are dark in color and feature a pair of wide, open nostrils. The Boxer’s glossy, close-fitting, short-haired coat exists in a number of colors including fawn, brindle, red, and white. White markings may be present.User added info
White boxers are more prone to deafness than other colors. Boxers are more prone to being blind than most other breeds, especially white boxers. In the early 1900's white boxers were preferred over brindle, fawn, and red but things are a little different now. White boxers that are more than 3/4 white cannot show through CKC (Canadian kennel club) and a lot of high end breeders immediately spay/neuter the white boxers due to their recessive traits.Know something we don't
The Boxer is good-natured, high-spirited, playful, and curious. They are highly intelligent and eager to learn, but they can also be free-willed and sneaky. This breed is good for competitive obedience. They love bonding with their family, and they are excellent family pets. They get along wonderfully with children and are generally friendly towards other dogs and animals. Boxers like to use their front paws to get into things and move things from place to place. They have a sense of humor and are quite goofy, and they have been known to pick up just about anything and carry it around with them. They are very protective over their family and home, but visitors are almost always welcomed enthusiastically. This breed makes a great guard dog. They should be trained and properly socialized from a young age so that they don’t jump up on people. They love to jump and they can be overly boisterous. This breed requires a dominant owner and firm, consistent training.*
Boxers are usually friendly, although there are some that are more reserved, perhaps slightly protective. It's important to firmly train and socialize them from birth. They are very boisterous during the first 2 to 4 years of their lives, and can knock small children down on accident. Boxers adapt well to families but it may be wiser for people with toddlers to get an older, more mature dog. With patience and leadership, the boxer is a great all around family dog. They love to be the middle of attention and are also known as the "clown of dogs."Size
21 – 25 inchesWeight
53 – 70 pounds*
Males: 65-75 pounds Females: 55-65 poundsGeneral Health
The Boxer is prone to cardiomyopathy, sub-aortic stenosis, and epilepsy. Like other larger dog breeds, hip dysplasia is also a concern. Between the ages of one and eight years, the Boxer is more likely to develop tumors than other breeds. They have a tendency towards developing allergies and heart problems. Boxers may drool or snore and/or have excessive flatulence. White varieties of Boxers are prone to deafness. This breed typically lives for 11 to 14 years. They average 6 puppies per litter.*
This breed typically lives for 10 to 15 years on average. It is very important to purchase from a reputable breeder that screens their dogs for demodex or also known as red mange. Boxer bloat easily if they eat table scraps, especially spicy foods. Seek the advice of your veterinarian if this should happen. They should never be allowed to eat anything but a premium dog food. Feeding twice a day is also helpful. Let them digest their food before any strenuous play. Boxers are prone to having breathing problems and need extra care in heat. They should not engage in strenuous exercise when it's hot and always give them plenty of water to prevent dehydration.It is important to get a puppy from a breeder which submits their breeding stock to rigorous heart testing. A responsible breeder will have had a Holter monitor test done, an echocardiogram. More recently breeders have their stock's DNA tested for the ARVC gene. These test will ensure there is no genetic heart defects such as Boxer Cardiomyopathy being passed on to puppies.